After more than a decade we continue to collaborate with the NGO “Water for the Sahel” in the rehabilitation of wells and in the adequacy of access to clean water in rural areas of Burkina Faso.
During this year, we plan to rehabilitate 7 wells, 3 in villages and 4 in schools, as well as the construction of 4 latrine blocks in two of them.
The project is part of the AGUAY+ Group of Barceló Foundation, with the objective of “guaranteeing the availability of water, its sustainable management and sanitation for all”, through the rehabilitation and construction of wells, fountains and hydraulic networks.
The project includes the formation of committees for the correct use and maintenance of the wells, as well as health education to improve the healthy hygiene practices of the users.
The presence of a well in the community benefits the entire population, especially women and children who have to travel long distances to fetch water. By facilitating their access, they gain time to develop other activities, some of which generate income, as well as schooling for children, thus improving the quality of life of these populations.