Gonzalo Barreiro was one of the first volunteers of our Foundation. More specifically, he has collaborated in Nicaragua since 1998 without interruption until 2020, when after 22 years, said collaboration was paralyzed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During these past years, Gonzalo has dedicated himself to collecting, inventorying, packaging and distributing around 800 kg of medical supplies that we have sent to Nicaragua and Mali.

From the Foundation we want to thank and recognize your generous collaboration and excellent work that has allowed training the staff of the Health Centers for the benefit of communities in need on a permanent basis.

We are saddened to know that Gonzalo will no longer be with us, since on February 3 he died suddenly while he was working in the Cabueñes laboratory.

We are proud to have worked with him and to have had his invaluable contribution to our projects.